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  ARWA’s 27th Annual Training Conference

October 20-23, 2025


Do you need CEUs?  Alaska Rural Water Association is excited to bring you your one-stop shop for your opportunity to receive a total of 3.0 CEUs in our four-day conference.

Our 27th annual conference will be held at the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel & Spa, in downtown Anchorage.

This year, we will host two training tracks focusing on water, wastewater, and source water protection. In addition, we will also be holding our annual water taste test. So don’t forget to bring in your water sample!

Registration for the conference will be open in August. Click on the training calendar link above to get signed up. This year we have an early bird registration with a $50 discount, for all attendees who register before September 24th. If you have any questions give us a call at 907-357-1155 and we will be happy to help.

We will post more details and the current agenda as the conference nears. Make sure you check back often for updates.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference! - ARWA Staff


Register for the conference online here

Save $50 if you register by September 24th!


 Printable Attendee Registration Form



Book your hotel reservation by October 5th for the group rate of $152 per night plus taxes!

Reserve your room here


***Conference Agenda***

The Operators Training and Certification Program has funding to reimburse water operators for training. The Water System Operator Reimbursement Program can reimburse certified and non-certified operators up to $1,000 for expenses related to water training, such as course fees, travel, and lodging. Find more information here.

 Vendor/Speaker Registration Information

Printable Vendor Registration Form

Vendor Table Diagram

Speaker Bio/Training Narrative

Member Delegate Form

Complete and email Kelly Comerford at  or fax to 907-357-1400 to secure your vote at this year's Annual Membership Meeting.


Declaration of Candidacy

The Declaration of Candidacy and the Candidate Statements must be completed and submitted to the ARWA office by 5:00 p.m. October 8, 2024. Any submissions after this date will not be placed on the ballot. Completed forms may be mailed to 1075 S. Check Street, Suite 106, Wasilla, AK 99654-8067, faxed to 907-357-1400, or emailed to


Conference Evaluation Form